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Questionnaire V

Other Issues

  1. In your opinion, is it appropriate for police, federal, state, or local, armed with more than their sidearms, to monitor or disrupt peaceful demonstrations or gatherings?
  2. In your opinion, is it appropriate for the government, at any level, to gather information on the day-to-day business and communications of citizens, in or out of the country, without a warrant?
  3. Please select one of the following sentences that best describes your stance on the death penalty:
    1. It should be abolished.
    2. The rare use of it right now is about right.
    3. The number of crimes for which a person can be sentenced to death should be expanded, and executions should happen more quickly after conviction.
  4. In your opinion, is it appropriate for the government, at any level, to use eminent domain in order to take property from one citizen in order to give it to another private citizen so that it can be used commercially?
  5. In your opinion, is it the business of the government, at any level, to regulate which intoxicating substances, such as marijuana, cocaine, alcohol, and heroin, adults over the age of 21 consume, assuming that they cause no harm to others by so doing?
  6. In your opinion, is it the appropriate for the federal government to dictate to states which intoxicating substances the state wishes to regulate within its borders?
  7. In your opinion, is appropriate to require possession of a valid, government issued photo ID in order to vote?  If so, would you support spending programs to provide these ID’s to people who cannot afford to get one on their own?
  8. In your opinion, is it appropriate for the government to get involved in the business dealings of any private-sector company, for any purpose?
  9. In 50 words or less, please describe the powers and responsibilities of the office you are seeking.
  10. In 50 words or less, please describe the powers of the executive branch of the government.
  11. In 50 words or less, please describe the powers of the legislative branch of government.
  12. In 50 words or less, please describe the powers of the judicial branch of government.
  13. In 50 words or less, please describe the Commerce Clause of the Constitution, including where you think the limits to this power should be.
  14. Do you feel it is appropriate for the executive branch to issue orders that further a goal when the legislative branch does not act toward that goal?
  15. Do you feel it is appropriate for the government to dictate whom a citizen can marry?
  16. In 50 words or less, please describe a decision by the Supreme Court of the United States that you disagree with and why.
  17. In 50 words or less, please describe a federal statute that you would most like to see repealed, and why.  Please do not re-use a statute that was previously discussed in this survey.
  18. In 50 words or less, please describe a federal executive order that you would most like to see rescinded, and why.
  19. In 50 words or less, please define “social justice”.
  20. Please select one of the following sentences that most closely resembles your opinion of what should be done about illegal immigration:
    1. Seal the border, enforce current laws, send illegal immigrants home.
    2. Loosen legal immigration standards, provide a path to legalization for those who are currently here illegally.
    3. Legalize those who are already here, welcome those who want to come.
  21. Do you support lifetime limits on the amount of government support a citizen can receive through programs such as SNAP and WIC?
  22. Do you believe it is within the government’s power to restrict the amount of money a person or organization can give to a political candidate or cause?  If not, do you support efforts to amend the Constitution to allow it?
  23. Do you believe that it is appropriate for police agencies to seize the property of a citizen based on suspicion of a crime, even if no crime is proven?
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  1. Interesting set of questions… Where did those originate???


  2. Anonymous

     /  September 21, 2014

    you realize half of america couldnt answer all of these questions coherently, right?


  1. Questionaire VI | DaddyBear's Den